
Usually within 1-2 business days*


Competitive FX rates and low fees


Licensed and regulated in 11 countries


All costs are upfront, no hidden charges


Earn rewards on every transaction

One app for all your overseas transfers

We believe in keeping things simple, fast, and low-cost. Just a few taps and your money can be on its way, without breaking the bank. Get better exchange rates, full transparency, and easy tracking of your money.​


Scan to get started!

Fast and secure international transfers

Send money with confidence to 60+ countries in the world in minutes.

Earn rewards with every transaction

Each Instarem transaction will reward you with InstaPoints. The bigger the transaction amount, the greater the number of points you earn.

Looking for an easy global payment solution for your business?

We provide fast and cost-effective international payments for all your business needs. With us, you can focus on what truly matters.

Ready to get started?

Learn more about how we transfer your money abroad or create an account to start transferring today.

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